

Public API

Provides fallback values for variables that have been created using Navita APIs, e.g. createVar, createTheme, etc.

As these APIs produce variable references that contain the CSS var function, e.g. var(--_a), it is necessary to handle the wrapping function when providing a fallback.

Realistically, you probably wouldn't use this API unless you integrate with third-party libraries that use CSS variables.

import { createVar, fallbackVar, style } from '@navita/css';
const colorVar = createVar();
const color = style({
  color: fallbackVar(colorVar, 'royalblue')

Multiple fallbacks values

The fallbackVar function handles falling back across multiple variables by providing multiple parameters.

import { createVar, fallbackVar, style } from '@navita/css';
const primaryVar = createVar();
const secondaryVar = createVar();
const color = style({
  color: fallbackVar(primaryVar, secondaryVar, 'royalblue')